Saturday, June 16, 2012

yes, Vanessa that was Memphis

They sang “Walking in Memphis” all the way down to the runway.
Put on my blue suede shoes
And I boarded the plane
Touched down in the land of the Delta Blues
In the middle of the pouring rain.”
This was all fine except it was a sunny clear day. 
            As soon as the plane came to a stop, Flynt jogged off to file a new flight plan to the Bahamas and to make declarations for customs. As the minutes passed, Vanessa sat and reflected on all the strangeness her life had uncovered since Quest had walked into it. She looked over at this man, this mysterious man who was taking her to a home she had no idea where. She considered the implications of going off to the farthest reaches of the known universe with a man who was all but a complete stranger.
            Quest grinned at her and she wondered again how it was he could know what she was thinking. Kat twirled around in her chair and said suddenly.
            “Luke, come with me to Alderaan and learn the ways of the Force.”
Quest sighed and shook his head.
            “No? Draggards!” Kat hung her head in mock disappointment.
            “You must learn the ways of the Force if you're to come with me to Alderaan.” Quest intoned in a knowing voice.
Vanessa wished she had an inkling what they were going on about. She shot a glance at Michelle who rolled her eyes.
            “I have got to get home. It’s late I am in for it as it is.” Michelle said a moment later.
            “I need you help Vanessa,” Quest said. “They need your help, I’m getting to old for this sort of thing.”
            “What sort of thing?” Vanessa cursed herself for missing whatever movie they were going on about.
            “Are they back to Star Wars again?” Flynt said as he came into the cabin.
            “Always.” Kat said.
            “You started it.” Michelle said laughing as she took the papers that Flynt proffered her.
            “This bunch will fall into quoting a lot of movies given sufficient chance, in particular Star Wars and The Princess Bride- so watch out.”
            “No problems?” Michelle asked as she started flipping switches.
            “Nothing my winning personality couldn’t solve.” Flynt answered all smiles.
            “Aw crap.” Kat said and stuck out her tongue at the man.
            “You and Lando are always so sure that you know what you are doing.” Quest said.
            “I do know what I am doing.” Flynt said as he slid into his chair and fired up his position.
            “You know how I said I wanted to be around when you make a mistake?” Michelle quipped.
            “Dammit, this isn’t Star Wars, Michelle-“ Flynt shot back.
            “Better strap in your highness, this is going to be a bumpy ride.” Michelle told Vanessa.
            “Dammit, Michelle it was a good bribe.” Flynt said.
            “Really Flynt?” Michelle said.
            “Really.” Flynt answered his smile slipping back into place.
            “Oh, what did you bribe them with?” Quest asked.
            “Gold. Why?” Flynt said.
            “Nothing really.” Quest said.
            “Gold!” Michelle all but yelled.
            Flynt smile slid away as fast as it arrived.
            “Oops!” Michelle mimicked “That is rich.”
            “So I made a little mistake. Just one little mistake.”
            “How much gold Flynt?” Michelle asked too sweetly. Vanessa felt like the woman was going to pull out a really big gun.            
            “Enough, about 4 pieces of the Empire’s finest.”
            “This right after he told Customs we had nothing to declare.” Michelle said through clenched teeth. “Quest? I need a fast one.”
            “No worries.”
            “Tower? This is B-17G-“ Michelle started the clearance routine. Quest spoke a word so softly that Vanessa could not hear what it was but the room thrummed like a plucked string. Michelle got the clearance she needed and soon they were off.
            “How long before they realize?” Flynt said hands on his controls as the Freya gave lift.
            “Seven Minutes.” Quest said. “Better say farewell to Memphis.” He told Vanessa.
            “Goodbye Memphis.” She said softly as the Freya began to accelerate into the midmorning sky.

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