Thursday, December 29, 2011


Every book or almost every book really needs an introduction, something that attempts to pull you into the story which only officially begins in chapter One. Not every book gets an introduction and this I see as the author's arrogance to think that he or she is so good that you will read his or her book because you really want to and don't need to be persuaded. Here I am writing this in hopes that you will come back to see my novel unfold page by page, chapter by chapter until we both find that we in fact have written a book.
                                                                             yep, that's it, from me, the author and all those commas too.

we begin then.

  There a certain truths in the universe or universe depending on whose eyes your looking through or for that matter how many eyes the lucky soul whose eyes you look through. This is one truth, it is undeniable and holds a secret to a universe. A universe that I choose to not only live in but will invite you the viewer to see. My story is not necessarily what this story is about. My story is involved with this story but it really is her story.. Her story really begins with the beginning of all things and the creation of time- well our time, not in fact time itself, but most of that is quite boring. Instead I will begin her story with a song. In my eyes all stories begin with a song.
 What song you may ask? The song. The song the creator sang when hesheit created all things and not things that surround and fill us. Aos- that's what we call himherit, anyway Aos opened the Source and from it came the Song. The song has seven words - which will not be repeated her since I need this world to hold together a little while longer. Just take it from me that the Song is the most powerful force in our universe other than Aos the creator, although I guess one could say that Aos is the Song but I digress. All you really need or probably want to know is that it all began with a song.
What song you may ask again if you are quite bold and i daresay you are young fool?
That Song is what we call the Song of Making, Seven words that made all things in the Universe or -yes that's correct universes.

Her song began many eons later in a kingdom on a world far from the Source with her birth, but her story begins now on another world all together with another song and that my dear viewer is all you need to know right now....

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