Thursday, May 24, 2012

last farewells to the Bay.

Vanessa sat as Michelle swung into her own and turned to the console picking up a headset that looked very much vintage. She flipped some switches as Flynt went into action as well beside her.  She felt the plane come to life and begin to move as the hum became more audible. As the plane turned the evening sky came into view and the plane taxied out onto the tarmac.
            “North Bay Ground, B-17G 743D05, requesting taxi from Dwight Hangar E.”
            A response comes back on her headset and she says:
            “North Bay Ground, B-17G 743D05, acknowledged, proceeding to taxi toRunway 4.”
            Michelle nodded at the controls and Flynt presses the throttle forward. The Freya moves out into the light between hangars. Then down the tarmac to a yellow line on one side.
            “North Bay Ground, B-17G 743D05 holding short of runway 4, ready for departure.” Michelle leans back and waits.
            “Wards are secured, all children are accounted for and safely aboard.” The Freya said, her voice melodic surrounding Vanessa. “My Queen, let me say that it is a enormous pleasure for me to bear you home.”
            Vanessa glanced around looking for somewhere to address. “Thank you.”
            “My Queen, I hold you in my embrace. I surround you.”
            “You hold us all.” Flynt intoned as he continued to prep for flight.
            “I do hold you all.” The Freya agreed.
            “Amen to that.” Quest said as he and the other members came onto the flight deck. Kat dropped into her designated seat and gave a very feline stretch. Vanessa half expected her to start licking her paws- hands. The woman watched Vanessa give herself a shake and then winked at her slyly. Severin and Stonegrim climb into their own seats as Quest comes to stand next to the Shipstone. He gave her a smile before reaching out and laying his left hand on the top of the Shipstone.
            “North Bay Ground, B-17G 743D05, understood, and Godspeed to you as well.” Michelle said as she pressed her throttle forward and the world begins to pass by the windows faster and faster.
            Quest speaks three words in very strange language, Vanessa feels herself go back to that day in her office when he had spoken to her desk.
            “Sing to me.” The Freya asks as she begins to give lift. 

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